




- SerB uses his own ideas to improve the game, not the community's: "90

percent of ideas from gaming community are stupid, 9 percent are not

realizable and 0,99 percent from the remaining 1 percent are already planned"








- apparently the German "dunkelgelb" yellow color scheme won't be implemented

as base color (SS: unclear whether it will be implemented at all)

德國暗黃色(dunkel=dark, gelb=yellow)不會變成德國車的基本塗裝色。




- apparently the Jagdmaus is not planned for now (SS: I am not sure the

player asking was referring to Jagdmaus, it's my guess)





- T-34 has two engines: 480 hp and 500 hp - the difference is 4,2 percent

increase, but according to SerB this does not mean that when buying the new

engine, the overall tank dynamics is increased by 4,2 percent - the

difference is apparently more, because the hp-dynamics increase is nonlinear





- several tanks have more rangefinder modules that affect visibility (for

example the Object 907, which actually has 4 crew periscopes) - hitting more

than one doesn't however decrease the tank viewrange even more, for viewrange

calculation they all count as one




- according to SerB, the Jagdmaus had the same armament variants as the Jpz

E-100 - 150mm and 170mm




- more special T10 vehicles are not planned for now



- the special T10 vehicles will (according to SerB) be very difficult to get




- there were cases where other developers wanted to implement something and

SerB said "no" (and personally blocked it), but also cases where other

developers didn't want something, but SerB pushed it over disagreement

personally - but he won't give any details





- Q: "Why do all trees make the same sound when they fall?" A: "Because the

game is not called World of Falling Tree Sounds"





- IS-6 gun won't be buffed ("Don't play IS-6")





The Panzerjäger VIII Jagdmaus

Designed to deal with the new US, British and Russian heavy tanks that were in design stage in 1944 onwards. It should be the answer to the IS4, T29, T95 and A39 Tortoise tanks and tank-destroyers. Specifications of these heavy vehicles were leaking out to Germany. The Wehrmacht, “knowing” that heavy stuff must be beaten with even more heavy stuff, gave orders to weapon designers to develop a tank-destroyer heavy enough to withstand damage taken from guns with a penetration value of about 200-250mm. The idea of the Jagdmaus was born and orders for an prototype were given to several companies in Germany.


The Jagdmaus was to be more powerful, though not heavier, than the super heavy Maus prototype tank on which it was based. Porsche was by that time (somewhere around late 1944 begin 1945) struggling to get a Maus prototype tank complete and running and could not start another project along with it so it was postponed until the Maus was to be fully operational. So this tank-destroyer did not leave the drawing board in the way the war went. When the war lasted until the end of 1945 this tank-destroyer could have reached prototype status or even the first mass produced units were available for combat


As with a lot of late war German tank designs it was mostly used for propaganda purposes. Normal citizens where impressed by weight and size of tank and guns. This propaganda madness led to unusual heavy designs which were barely able to move like the Jagdtiger and the Maus itself. Though the Jagdmaus might be as immobile as the Maus itself, it was a design where some think work was included


Designers used parts from tanks and tank-destroyers which proved their worth in combat. So the shape of the superstructure was directly taken from the Jagdpanther. Since the sloped armor (around 45 degrees from vertical) almost doubled the thickness of the effective armor. The engine was the same as in the Maus but did not use the new electric transmission, it used a normal transmission like the one used on the Tiger and Panther series tanks. The transmission differs in one significant way though. As Germans always liked to use as few materials as possible they finally realized that using bigger parts were not way as breakable as lightweight small ones. So the transmission and gearbox did contain double sprockets as most US tanks have, which were less vulnerable to transmission failures. Also the need of a ball mounted MG was realized since the Ferdinand lacked one and became an easy prey to infantry. A view port for the driver was also added since the Maus only had periscopes the driver to view through


As with the most tank-destroyers the lack of a turret reduced the overall weight of the vehicle (with the exception of the Jagdtiger) so when the Jagdpanter-like superstructure was fitted the weight was reduced with about 28-38 tonnes which makes the weight of the Jagdmaus around 150 – 160 tonnes. Of course this superstructure was redesigned to mount a gun which was never been planned to be used as a anti-tank gun. Nor was the gun designed to be used on a tank-destroyer. The superstructure was up-armored aswell. But than still it was a major improvement to the Jagdmaus' weight. This weight reduction also meant that the suspension, which was designed to take the weight of all 188 tons of the original Maus, was less stressed


The hull got a total makeover, only the shape remains intact. First only the driver was in the front of the tank and behind him was an engine and electric-generator compartment and in the back of the vehicle was the ammunition, fuel storage and the two electric engines which provide power to the drive sprocket and tracks and on top of that was the turret. The new hull exists of a fight compartment where the whole crew is situated in the front of the vehicle and the back is now the engine compartment just like in any other tank





Primary weapon: 170mm KwK44 L71 (Which means the gun is as long as the vehicle itself. Around 9 - 10m.)

Secondary armament: 1x 7,92mm MG42 or MG45 in the superstructure.

Engine & chassis: MB 517 diesel engine V12 (1200 HP), same chassis as the Maus tank but redesigned to fit the 'new' hull and superstructure.

Shape: angled armor plating on the superstructure and vertical on the other parts of the vehicle since the armor is thick and tough enough to take some punishment.

Radio and optical equipment: The Jagdmaus will use either the FUG12 or 10WSc radio and will have the same optics used on the Maus. However this can be upgraded with experimental night vision equipment.


Further specifications:


crew: 6, commander, driver, gunner, radio operator/MG gunner/assistant loader, 2 loaders.

Weight: around 150 -160 tons

length (including gun): around 18m

width: 3,71m

height: about 3m

armor protection: 30mm (engine deck) to 220mm at 35 degrees from vertical in front.

Top speed: 20-22 km/h, little more than the Maus

fuel capacity: 4200 liters (internal + external gas tanks)

action radius: 70-200 km

planned production: end 1945-194?

(prototype) units produced: 0


 - -接下來是我自己使用GOOGLE翻譯的

 設計來處理新的美國,英國和俄羅斯的重型坦克,在設計階段, 1944年起。它應該是IS4,T29,T95和A39烏龜坦克和坦克驅逐艦的答案。這些重型車輛的規格被洩漏到德國。德軍,“知道”沉重的東西必須被毆打,甚至更重的東西,吩咐武器設計師,發展重,足以抵禦滲透值約200-250mm的槍損壞坦克驅逐艦。出生並為原型的訂單幾家公司在德國的想法Jagdmaus。






最坦克驅逐艦缺乏一個砲塔減少車輛的整體重量(獵虎例外),所以當嵌合的類似Jagdpanter-上層建築的重量減少了約28-38噸這使得的Jagdmaus重量的約150 - 160噸。








主武器:170毫米KwK44 L71(這意味著只要車輛本身的槍是9 - 10米左右。)

次要武器:1X 7,92毫米MG42,MG45上層建築。

發動機和底盤:517 MB柴油引擎V12 (1200馬力),莫斯罐,但相同的底槃經過重新設計,以適應'新'的船體和上層建築形狀:上層建築與垂直車輛的其他部分,因為裝甲厚實,堅硬,足以採取傾斜的裝甲一些懲罰。


然而,這可以與實驗夜視設備升級,進一步規範船員:指揮官,駕駛員,砲手,無線電操作員/ MG砲手/助理裝載機,裝載機。

重量:150 -160萬噸左右的長度(包括槍):約18米寬度:3,71 m高度:3m左右裝甲防護:30毫米(發動機甲板)至220mm,在前面的35度垂直。


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